Wednesday, January 3, 2018

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Same with your computers and cars and everything that makes society. Why do you go back to that as if it is unnatural, thing is. Why worry about the climate, when we can go to space? This is what scientific consensus looks like. While if they do not get to strip rights away, they will be waiting an awfully long time for their money from said debt. At the same time, you never touched the one thing I am challenging you to debunk. Also as stated by the picture, I was pretty accurate. It is all the response that they are worth.

If the supposed flood came, while the only real countries to or would suffer are islands like japan and britain. The coal industry kills literal millions of people every year, and makes many millions more ill. If we attempt to do something, when nothing needs be done. Now I challenge you, debunk this. By 1850 the climate began to warm. But those seem to be too much to ask for, so fuck it. Honestly, considering when you think on it. Do NOT attempt to argue this point without first providing an example of an actual published paper, on climatology, in a reputable, peer reviewed journal, authored by a cosmologist. If this is in response to my last post, please read it. When humans interfere, we do more harm then good. In hopes of influencing and doing much like stripping freedoms within Hong Kong, but all around.

Making the weather nicer and putting me closer to the beach is equivalent to murder? You just linked a weather station at a hair salon as proof that cosmetologists are the people study weather. Nope, that would take a few million or thousand years at the very least. Considering when you see that most of cosmetology is not done by experts and thus labeling them as expert is a great exaggeration of the situation. Justify the Alex Jones stuff, seeing as I barely believe that stuff with his commercial for Fish oils and etc. Have you heard of the one railroad scheme devised by them, in which they are placing countries like in Africa in debt to them much like America is in debt to them or Taiwan. So why should we? Something within a rounding error of all of them are well aware of the reality of anthropogenic global warming.

Alex Jones is not convincing in the least to anyone with any critical thinking ability. You really think China is going to stop, the leader in pollution. So who knows, however what they speak of is nothing instant. If you think the moons made of cheese, I think the guys in the white coats need to take ya away. People have survived shots to the head! Seeing as all you will claim is lies and that is All you can claim like a child. The main problem is not global warming, but pollution. It warmed up cause we just got out of a lil ice age back in the medieval century. While ending business and industry ends innovation and those cellphones you have, will stop getting made.

Though honestly debating you, if you do not read is not my forte. However, then again the earth could at any time be sent into the sun. Thats not really a reason why. Do not repost it, or anything else, without providing evidence for your assertions. We can not control the earths process, as shown which this is. Again: bullshit sources with no evidence behind them. Because without earth, we die. Climate Investigation gave us the same results as all ways; We can not affect the difference in the climate. Unlike your imaginary friends. You cannot get published in a reputable journal without being such.

There are no thousands of sceptical climatologists. The picture does not say that you are accurate. Notice that the link is to the notes from a university course on probability. Much like these so called scientists, that have just been proven to be nothing more then guess what, not experts. But no one has debunked the most recent ones. None, it has always been about the Co2 levels and how they are rising.

In fact, alt energy sources are still being experimented with everyday. Seeing as when you consider the facts. Is Alex Jones or the scientists correct? What I am going to say is, If there was a possibility. No rather, why would we? We must take action to solve climate change by doing just one thing. The alternative ends far more industries, starting with the entire agricultural industry of the Southern US. Yet you fail to understand or realize, those who did this census are not even professionals at it. Though, I do admit it is not difficult confused with professional beauty stylists that do hair. Good thing I love warm weather and swimming in the ocean.

Even when those industries damage everyone quality of life? Not really as Cosmology does study weather patterns and etc, you got to study everything in this aspective as you are not just study space and the elements but the elements that make up earth as well. This is entirely a lie. If something needs be done, can we afford doing nothing? So why should companies be able to kill people without their consent? not difficult done due to the E and O in cosmetologist and cosmologist. Thus I am gonna now assume, seeing as you do not know what the study of the weather is called aka Cosmology. Actually they do, Cosmologist study the universe and anything physical.

Is that all you can say, after it was stated that most of those who took this census are not cosmologists. But texas as well would be affected, however as I said most of America would survive. You are lying again. Your percentage estimate is a hundred billion times too large. Tillania wrote: Wow, really? Yes, there is a minuscule chance that almost all experts are wrong or that the consequences are not quite that catastrophic. Even if it is, it can always misfire!

The coldest time was during the 16th and 17th Centuries. We cannot forget the fact that both Chernobyl and Fukushima happened, though it had more to do with negligence to the safety and procedures. But, fission is much more efficient then coal anyway, and should be expanded upon. None of them are cosmologists. Cosmology sorta of branches on all things, not just one thing. The fact that it is a new name, same story makes me very skeptical. Seems a little heartless to those who come next, but it is what it is. As shown by many scientists, the melting of glaciers is natural and even then that is not to mention that the Antarctica just gained more glaciers through climate becoming colder recently. Not going to waste time debunking more of your stuff, sorry.

You continue to lie through your fucking teeth. Cosmology does not, in any way, shape, or form, study the climate. The post in question has been debunked several times. Edited: Nah, only a few points have been debunked. Besides the refugee count from the map would not be 100 million, but around 200 million. Kindly find me one single paper by a cosmologist about weather patterns. Now it is Climate change as a whole, so you see.

Is that all you can say are they are all lies, that is not debunking as you have no proof or evidence to claim lies. We just went through a freeze, though mind you not cold enough to cause ice sheets to form. Edited in: I think florida and the east coast would suffer most damage, if i recall the scenario correctly. If you think these Cosmologists are a defined profession. Including Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Three Mile Island, nuclear is still orders of magnitude safer than almost any other power source. Cause you know you can only claim that I lie. They absolutely are experts in the field. Also, the Antarctic climate is very strongly decoupled with the climate of the rest of the world, due to the enclosing effect of the Southern Storm Band. The primary, as the water will always raise and fall.

Because you do not know science enough to debunk what I stated. How many studies by climate scientists found that Humans were the primary factor? Aaaaaaaaaand no one will offer a realistic compromise and nothing will happen. Believe them on a subject that Most have not fully studied this subject completely enough to accurately say; If it exists or not. You can not even claim that these people are completely correct or right. That particular pile of unmitigated incoherent drivel has just been debunked, yet again. You clearly have nothing beyond the most absurdly simplistic understanding of the subject. You have provided zero evidence for any of your absurd lies, and so zero evidence is required to debunk them. Knowing what is occurring in the world and the fact that Climate change is constantly changed, example during 2004 it was an ice age.

Also, Africa and the middle east are not countries. Instead you got a fool up above claiming lies without evidence or proof. Added in once more 4th edit: Also once you add the fact that Cosmotology is not counted as a profession. Thing is, America besides the coast lines would remain above water. It can repair everything we have done, if we just get off the planet. However then, most people want to be right will never read in the factors that, they wanna be right. It is true they are attempting to profit more energy outsourcing, however you know why? Why should we worry about it? Majority of Cosmetologists are not experts.

What is more important, people being able to breathe and drink clean water, or the water level rising a foot? Cosmology is the study of the structure and origins of the universe. Or anything else smaller than a fucking black hole. When it all not difficult debunked by the same things that debunked the Ice age scenario being able to debunk Climate change, specially if Alex Jones can debunk it. Even then you do not post them, so how can we assume you are not lying to resolve the fact you know nothing. Ending industries does not seem like a good idea at all. Not me, so surprisingly once more. Replacing oil with algae.

Every part of this is a lie. However, enough to cool down the earths temperature. Based on one website that tries defining them as expert. Actually no, that is an exact estimation made by someone else. Regularly publishing material in reputable peer reviewed journals is what makes a scientist. What does cosmetology have to do with this? The smallest structure that cosmologists consider is galaxies.

However, if you are just trying to sound smart and are not addressing me, then once more. While I still noticed, no one can debunk the facts posted from my quote now as they are just that. You will not find one. Thats it nothing else. Meteorology is the study of the weather. They are doing that? You would go to jail for child abuse a lone, during that scenario. You have thoroughly demonstrated that you have a complete lack of understanding of anything even remotely tangentially related to the topic. Those wind turbines, what do you do to place them?

Do you find any errors in this PNAS paper? China as they are just blaming everyone else and not themselves. Most are living on the coast line. So many people have debunked that, it is not even worth me attempting it. Your average eight year old understands enough science to debunk your bullshit. It just means we found something slightly more correct. Rather biochemists and the such.

Trying to compare someone shooting their children in the head, to that of climate change is two drastic different things. The climate deniers have more sense then the parent shooting the child. Before 2010, it was global warming. Well I did say our coastline, i did not just mean virgnia and california. Nothing that you have said is remotely accurate. However, even you should of known what I meant as were we speaking of hair? All of them are climate scientists. You have made them up, and repeatedly failed to provide any evidence of them at all. You also continue to use made up words.

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